On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News @ Night,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) predicted that the leak of the Supreme Court’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade will be “the first” in “a series of other attempts to delegitimize the Supreme Court” and will be followed by threats to pack the court and further advanced leaks of rulings.

Lee stated, [relevant remarks begin around 3:05] “Look, this is just the first in what I predict will be a series of other attempts to delegitimize the Supreme Court of the United States in the coming months. … I think their next step is going to be to pack the Supreme Court. They’re going to threaten to pack the court, adding additional seats. They’re going to do things like this…leak decisions in advance. This has never happened before, Shannon. This is completely unprecedented, and it’s completely unacceptable.”

He added that if the leak represents the opinion of the majority on the court, the “only appropriate response” to the leak would be to speed up the release of the ruling. “Because, otherwise, what you’re doing — if you allow this to sit out there, you’re allowing this kind of tactic to work and you’re incentivizing future unscrupulous leftist law clerks with an agenda to try to release opinions like this with an eye toward improperly influencing justices.”

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