Thursday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) said the left was using aggressive tactics against the conservative wing of the U.S. Supreme Court to “delegitimize, degrade and isolate” the Supreme Court justices who joined Associate Justice Samuel Alito on his majority opinion in the Dobbs case overturning 1973’s Roe v. Wade.

“Just the beginning,” he said. “It seems to be getting worse. They know only contempt for the rule of law and now contempt for the justices themselves. That’s tragic.”

“They’re quite worried, and they have every reason to be quite worried,” Lee added. “Look, in this day and age, in particular, Laura, there is never a good, legitimate reason to go and protest at the home of a public official. This is the place where they sleep. This is the place where if they’ve got children in their home or their raising children. It’s an implicit threat of physical violence, and that has no place in our system of government, certainly no place in our judicial system. And yet that’s what they’re wanting to do.”

“And remember, Laura, why they’re doing this,” he added. “They are doing it to delegitimize, degrade, and isolate those members of the Supreme Court who may be considering joining the masterfully written and eminently correct opinion of Justice Alito on the Dobbs case. This is simply unacceptable. They made a constitutional doctrine out of whole cloth, one that doesn’t exist. They’re mad now because the Supreme Court is finally recognizing that it doesn’t exist, and they’re wanting to use violence to get their way. That’s shameful.”

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