MSNBC “MTP Daily” host Chuck Todd on Tuesday looked ahead at the upcoming midterm elections.

Todd, pointing to NBC’s Midterm Meter showing 75% wrong track for the Democratic Party, said the Democrats were “in shellacking territory.”

“[Y]ou can see where we are,” Todd outlined. “So, where are we right now with the new NBC News poll? The wrong track sitting at 75%. This is obviously in shellacking territory.”

“But when you have 75% wrong track, that’s how you end up with nominees that people in Washington don’t want, OK?” he added. “John Fetterman and Kathy Barnette are what you get when you have 75% wrong track. If this were 55% wrong track, you might get Conor Lamb and David McCormick, for instance. That’s what 75% wrong track means. And by the way, you could see an incumbent lose tonight in a primary. These are terrible numbers for incumbents whether you’re in a primary or a general.”

Todd then shifted to President Joe Biden’s approval rating, which he said was “also sitting in shellacking territory.”

“Now let’s go to the president’s job rating here, and this is also sitting in shellacking territory — 39%,” Todd stated. “Anything really, he’s got to get to 45%. As I said to you before, 45 or above and Democrats in battleground states have a boxer’s chance. When you’re sitting below 40, it’s not good in many places, and you might even see light blue states, say Colorado, suddenly come into play.”

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