On Friday’s “CNN Newsroom,” White House senior adviser and Infrastructure Implementation Coordinator Mitch Landrieu argued on gun control there “was no middle ground between life and death when somebody is standing over a kid with an AK-47, there is no middle ground.”

Landrieu stated, “The president is going to use his bully pulpit. He actually called on Congress, and but for going over there to do their job for them, I am sure that he’s going to work with them. He laid out a very specific plan of things that almost two-thirds of the people in America support. Now, for the life of me, as just a guy from New Orleans that looks up at Washington before I got there a couple of months ago, I don’t understand how Congress can’t act on pieces of legislation that over 70% of the American people support, that are commonsense gun reforms that will save our children.”

He continued, “In the previous segment that you had, I think Alisyn was interviewing someone…from Texas and said, what’s the middle ground? There is no middle ground between life and death when somebody is standing over a kid with an AK-47. There is no middle ground. And I think the president laid out a certain level of frustration last night with Congress’ inability to move where the American people want them to be. And I’m sure that he will use the power of the presidency to actually make sure that he speaks to the American public, and he speaks to Congress in the way that’s appropriate to get this done.”

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