On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that part of the problem with drugs and homelessness in various major cities is a policy approach that “Nothing is better than anything else” and that “everything is positive. Everything is not positive. You should be ashamed that you’re using, that might get you to stop.”

Maher stated, “[P]art of the problem with losing civilization is when you fail to make judgments about how some things are better than others. We have seen this over and over again. Nothing is better than anything else, keeping women in burqas is just a different way to go. And it’s just not a different way to go. And having shit in the park, human feces when you’re trying to have a little baseball game with your kids or something, is just worse.”

After showing a poster from New York City telling people they shouldn’t be ashamed of using drugs, “This is part of the problem of losing civilization. Shame is part of life. We’ve — we do this — everything — toxic positivity, everything is positive. Everything is not positive. You should be ashamed that you’re using, that might get you to stop.”

He later added, “This is what I’m always saying to the left side of the country when what you’re doing sounds like an Onion headline, stop.”

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