Former Reading Rainbow host and actor LeVar Burton said Thursday on ABC’s “The View” that it is “embarrassing” that America was banning books about race, sexuality, and history.

Co-host Joy Behar said, “Over the last few years, there has been an ongoing push to ban important children’s books, especially about race, sexuality, and basically American history. ”

Co-host Sunny Hostin said, “That’s right.”

Behar continued, “Give us your reaction to that.”

Burton said, “I’ll be absolutely candid and honest. It’s embarrassing that we are banning books in this country and this culture in this day and age.”

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg said, “Yep.”

Burton continued, “We have this aversion in this country to knowing about our past, and anything that is unpleasant, we don’t want to deal with. This is not going away.”

Behar agreed, “Nothing goes away.”

Burton said, “Nothing goes away, especially if you ignore it. So read the books they’re banning. That’s where the good stuff is.”

Behar added, “That’s right.”

Burton said, “If they don’t want you to read it, there’s a reason why.”

Goldberg said, “There’s never enough time but thank you on behalf of everybody who’s been moved and projected forward by your belief in them as human beings.”

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