Thursday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) criticized Democrats for what he suggested was a misappropriated focus on the January 6 committee hearings.

Scalise told host Laura Ingraham the ultimate objective of Democrats, who have majorities in both chambers, was “power.”

“Laura, look — clearly, we all know what happened,” he said. “Whatever her reason was, I think most Americans are sick and tired of the politicization that you’re seeing by the Democrats to try to change the topic. They know what the American people are angry about. The American people are angry about what Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and their far-left socialist agenda have done to people. And they wish Congress was addressing those things, not this Hollywood production, not an attempt to take away your guns.”

“It just seems like over and over again,” Scalise continued. “They think they can blame Putin. They can blame anybody else. The American people are smarter than that. They figured out who is the cause of the pain their families and our families are suffering. And they want a change the direction, as Speaker Gingrich just talked about. What’s coming in November, something they are scared to death of, because they only want power. They still want to shut down cities. They still want to defund the police. They still want to do the things that the American people are tired of, and the American people are going to have the final say on November 8.”

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