On Monday’s “CNN Newsroom,” National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby responded to criticism of President Joe Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia last week by arguing that “the best way” to advance human rights “is to actually go overseas and talk to foreign leaders and be direct and candid” and that “You can’t say that values matter and then stay at home and refuse to talk to people or refuse to make the case.”

Kirby stated, “The president believes that if you’re going to make values and human rights the center of your foreign policy, which he does, the best way to advance those rights, to advance those values, protect and promote them is to actually go overseas and talk to foreign leaders and be direct and candid and in the room. You can’t say that values matter and then stay at home and refuse to talk to people or refuse to make the case. The president felt it was very important that, in every stop on this trip, Victor, he’d talk about human rights, and he did. These are not easy conversations to have, but they’re important to have if you’re going to try to make a difference overseas.”

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