Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) said Monday on FNC’s “Special Report ” that the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home showed an “inconsistent” application of the rule of law.

Baier asked, “Are you concerned about the handling of classified materials highest levels if, in fact, there is not a paper trail that the president declassified those specific documents?”

Scott said, “I am not. What I am mostly concerned about is the infrequent, inconsistent application of the rule of law as it relates to President Trump. I can’t imagine how it feels to see a 232-year precedent go down the drain over, what? Over a dispute over what should or should not be included in our National Archives. To me, until we see specificity within the affidavit, we will not have the kind of clarity that the American people need to come to their own conclusion. And, without that, this unprecedented, alarming raid remains at a high level of urgency to bring about real solutions that today are illusive because Merrick Garland refuses to cooperate and release all the information necessary to understand what happened.”

Baier said, “What would take you to the point where there was something that the former president did wrong in the handling of those documents?”

Scott said, “It’s hard for me to answer a hypothetical question because so far, what we have understood is that President Trump says he declassified the information that was there.”

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