MSNBC national security analyst Frank Figliuzzi said Friday on “Deadline” that if former President Donald Trump is indicted, the domestic violence threat level will be worse than after September 11, 2001.

Guest-host John Heilemann asked, “What’s the threat level right now?”

Figliuzzi said, “I’ve got to tell you that the prospects moving forward are pretty dire. Because as I said, the radicalization has occurred.”

He continued, “If Trump is indicted on something somewhere on one or more investigations that are underway, his people, many of them, will see it as an attack as they did for the mere search warrant. The mere search warrant got us dead people, namely the guy in Cincinnati and all kinds of threats.”

Heilemann asked, “Has there ever been a time when you thought the prospect of political violence was more likely, widespread political violence, serious political violence in America than it is there is right now?”

Figliuzzi said, “Zero. From what I hear across FBI field offices, all 56 of them with the security posture, it’s never happened to this extent before.”

Heilemann asked, “Do you think the country is more at risk right now than it was in the days immediately following 9/11?”

Figliuzzi said, “It is worse than post-9/11 here at home.”

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