On Wednesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “National Report,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) responded to President Joe Biden’s recent remarks on crime by saying that it’s Democratic-run areas like New York that are releasing criminals due to lax bail policies and prosecution and President Biden is “just trying to muddy the waters.”

Burchett stated, “It is not my grandfather’s Democrat Party anymore. Their agenda is anti-blue. And I don’t think the American people are buying it. Look at the states, look at New York, in a heated governor’s race right now. I mean, look at the people, they get out and they’re mugging folks, they’re killing folks, they’re not held, no bond. It’s — clearly, a line is being drawn and the president’s just trying to muddy the waters. He knows he’s got problems in that sector, and the American public is definitely not buying it.”

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