Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said Friday on FNC’s “America’s Newsroom” that President Joe Biden was a “deranged partisan ideologue” on stage during his speech in Philadelphia Thursday night.

Cotton said, “I’m not sure what they were going for either. It was a strange and wildly inappropriate setting. Unusual, weird, red lighting. Most worrisome having Marines standing behind him when he is engaging in political attacks on 74 million Americans who voted for Republicans in the last election.”

He continued, “Not a lot of policy in that speech.”

Cotton added, “He didn’t address the Fentanyl crisis or 100,000 Americans dying every year from overdoses, more than 20 times we lost in the entire Iraq war. The open border, that gets back to Joe Biden abdicating his responsibility to enforce the law, uphold immigration laws as written by Congress, and to protect our borders from a slow-motion invasion not only of migrants looking for jobs but vicious, violent cartel members and gang members who are flooding our streets with drugs. This again gets back to the real threats to our democracy which is Joe Biden and the far left of the Democratic Party, who will disregard the law and overturn longstanding customs and standards of democratic practice in America to pursue their radical ideology. What we need to do is to protect the American people from the deranged partisan ideologue you saw on stage last night by making sure that we elect a Republican majority to the Congress this fall. Once we do that, I’m going to protect the American people from that deranged ideologue.”

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