Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Velshi” that former President Donald Trump was “legitimately a cult leader.”

Anchor Ali Velshi said, “I want to ask you about something weird going on at trump rallies. They are now playing music that sounds very much like the QAnon music, and people are giving a weird salute with your finger? It seems cult-ish and stuff like that. Go back to your history with him. You have seen them flirt with this stuff over the years. What is happening here?”

Cohen said, “If you sat Donald in this chair and asked him to talk to you about  QAnon, he could not. Why? Because he knows nothing about QAnon. However, what he does know is that they support him very much at the old statements of David Duke, which was I don’t know anything about David Duke. Sure, you do. Do you know about the Ku lux Klan when it was formed? No. He does not know about QAnon, nothing. The problem is he knows that these people support him. So that is enough for him. That’s all he cares about. He is legitimately a cult leader. He does not care about you as an individual. What you stand for as long as what you stand for is him.”

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