On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) said that claiming that Congress spent too much money over the last couple of years and the Federal Reserve is behind the curve because it enabled this spending is “Monday morning quarterbacking” and that most of the coronavirus spending was done during the tenure of former President Donald Trump. Warner also noted that he voted for all of the coronavirus spending packages and declared that he would vote for all of those spending bills again “Because we didn’t know where COVID was going to end.”

Co-host Joe Kernen asked, “You don’t think we overspent, you don’t think that the Fed’s behind the eight ball because they enabled all of the spending in the last couple of years?”

Warner answered, “Monday morning quarterbacking on the level of –.”

Kernen then cut in to say, “Well, people said that long before. They said that on Friday, Saturday, Sunday.”

Warner added, “Of the dollars that were spent out over COVID, 80 cents on every dollar was spent under President Trump. I voted for all of that. I’d vote for it again. Because we didn’t know where COVID was going to end.”

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