On Tuesday’s edition of the “MEDIA BUZZmeter” podcast, FNC host Howard Kurtz said that the mainstream media are “pissed off, they are frustrated, they are angry at the voters for not caring about the things that they care about.” And fail to see that “many voters aren’t buying into their agenda. They’re in their own bubble.”

Kurtz said, [relevant remarks begin around 6:40] “[I]t’s increasingly clear to me, today is two weeks until the midterms, that, as, obviously, polls show Republicans with lots of momentum, their issues, inflation, crime, the border — certainly the first two — getting more traction with voters than the Democrats’ issues, and it seems to me that the mainstream media are now frustrated…pissed off, they are frustrated, they are angry at the voters for not caring about the things that they care about. So, if you watch MSNBC, especially, it’s just a lot of hair-on-fire pronouncements about the latest development in the DOJ Trump investigation, for example, the January 6 hearing. And you see this in news stories, you see it in segments and columns and tweets, they’re getting mad at the voters. What about abortion? What about election deniers? What about January 6? What about Donald Trump? What about the danger to democracy? And there’s also, what about President Biden’s record of accomplishment, why isn’t that helping?”

Kurtz continued that Biden has seen some improvement in his numbers due to passing some legislation, but he also has problems because he keeps “talking up the economy, and that’s not what people want to hear, fairly or unfairly.”

He added, “Now look, it’s fine for journalists to raise all these issues, but they are not seeing, many of them — I’m talking about journalists and commentators — that many voters aren’t buying into their agenda. They’re in their own bubble.”

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