On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher reacted to former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried’s donations to Democrats by stating that the FTX situation is a case where people thought, “as long as you’re on our team, we don’t care,” and the situation “has a very Epstein feel” where the thinking was “He’s one of us, he’s on our side, he donates to our causes, we don’t need to look too hard into the fact that he’s a con man.”

After quoting from new FTX CEO John Ray III, who was also Enron CEO after its collapse, that he had never seen “such a complete failure of corporate control[s]” Maher continued, “He said, this situation is unprecedented. … It was so disorganized, they were unable to prepare a complete list of who worked there. At least Elon knows who he’s firing. … And the plot thickens because this guy, SBF, this Sam Bankman-Fried, this millennial Madoff, was the second biggest donor to the Democratic Party after George Soros. They loved his ass. He was always with Clinton and those types. He was at Davos…it’s like everything now is as long as you’re on our team, we don’t care, we don’t look, it has a very Epstein feel — Jeffrey Epstein. This kind of smells of that. He’s one of us, he’s on our side, he donates to our causes, we don’t need to look too hard into the fact that he’s a con man.”

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