On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) responded to a question on whether Republican voters should stop avoiding early voting and voting by mail by stating that the GOP must use “every tool we can to turn out votes, every tool that is legal.”

Host Sean Hannity asked, [relevant exchange begins around 2:10] “This has been a very hard election to analyze, but I don’t think there’s any doubt, under the guise of COVID, voting has changed in this country. And it looks like the left and the Democrats are way more comfortable with mail-in balloting and early voting than conservatives and Republicans are. If I had my system, it would be Election Day is a national holiday, paper ballots. We’d had signature identification and voter I.D. We’d have partisan observers watch the voting, watch the vote counting that night. We’d call a winner like Canada does and the French do and Israel and Great Britain, all these other countries do. That’s not — that’s the system we want. It’s not the system we have. So, do Republicans and conservatives need to get over the reluctance and resistance to mail-in ballots and early voting that they seem to show?”

Cruz responded, “Well, listen, there’s no doubt that we need to use every tool we can to turn out votes, every tool that is legal.”

He later added that Republicans need to win elections like the Georgia Senate runoff to keep Democrats from implementing terrible voting rules nationwide.

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