On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said President Joe Biden should speak out on the protests in China to prevent another Tiananmen Square massacre, but also should vow that if an event like that takes place, China will lose its most favored nation status.

Cotton stated, “Well, one reason President Biden should speak, in his own voice, on camera, in support of these brave Chinese protesting their Communist government is to prevent another Tiananmen Square massacre. But also by saying that if there is such a massacre, if Chinese Communists use force against their own people, there would be massive consequences, not just sanctions on those responsible in China’s government or withholding visas from their family members, but concrete actions, like withdrawing China’s most favored nation status. Again, we should stand with these voices of freedom inside our number one adversary. Joe Biden is saying exactly what he did throughout the Cold War and what Barack Obama did in 2009 [with] protests in Iran, we don’t want to be seen as foreign meddling. Everyone knows we aren’t meddling. Everyone knows that these are organic protests of the Chinese people, not just about COVID policies, but about their yearning for freedom. And they are dying to hear from America, from the leader of the free world, that we support their deepest aspirations.”

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