During an appearance on this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the House GOP’s nominee for Speaker of the House for the next Congress, insisted the next National Defense Authorization Act would remove the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for military personnel.

The California Republican lawmaker told host Maria Bartiromo that the legislation would stall if the vaccine requirement were not eliminated. He also said he had confronted President Joe Biden on the mandate, suggesting there was an opportunity for compromise.

“So, just to be clear, you’re saying, in the NDAA, which will drop next week, the vaccine mandate for the military will be lifted?” Bartiromo asked.

“Yes, it will,” McCarthy replied. “Otherwise, the bill will not move. I have been very clear with the president. The president, I want to — worked with me on this. This is the first sign of having divided government. You got some compromise here. And we have got something that the Republicans have been working very hard, and a number of Democrats too, trying to find success. But one-party rule would never allow that to go forward. And now we’re going to have success.”

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