On Thursday’s broadcast of NPR’s “All Things Considered,” Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) stated that Republicans should push for coupling raising the debt ceiling with keeping spending below inflation and that if Republicans get that, it would be a win.

Bacon said, [relevant remarks begin around 4:00] “I think we focus on discretionary spending, maybe keeping spending within inflation as an agreement. That’s what I would envision for this debt ceiling. But long term, the Republicans and Democrats, we should form a committee. Sen. Manchin proposed this, by the way, I have felt this way for over a year, have encouraged Leader McCarthy to consider this, to put a full-time committee together with Republicans and Democrats, both sides get a little bit of what they want and they have to give a little bit to save Social Security. It’s going to take the two sides giving and taking to save both these programs.”

He added, “I don’t know if I reflect the 222 other members totally on this, but I think we should keep spending below inflation. And if we did that, that’s a win, I believe, in the debt ceiling debate. And that would be what I would advocate for the Republican Party.”

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