During an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) argued that the federal government needs to spend less as American families are having to and no one wants to see a default, including Republicans.

Moskowitz stated, “Obviously, as the American family is having to spend less and tighten the belts, so should the federal government. And so, I think we can find common ground on that.”

Host Bret Baier then asked, “A lot of people look at that debt ceiling and you mentioned the debt ceiling back and forth and what’s happening with it and say it’s just going to keep on going like this rhetorically until the fiscal cliff hits. POLITICO writes, ‘Biden, McCarthy and the power of low expectations’ ‘Don’t get your hopes up for any concrete progress. The best guess as of now is the two sides will end up reiterating their positions, with Biden stressing he’s open to talk[ing] about other fiscal policies but not if they’re tied to the debt ceiling, and McCarthy urging the White House to relent and hammer out a deal.’ How do you both see it, first Congressman Moskowitz?”

Moskowitz responded, “I think, on a bipartisan basis, no one wants to see the United States default on their debt. When the American people get a credit card bill at their house, they have 30 days to pay the credit card bill.”

He also stated, “Look, I do think, obviously, we have to curtail our spending. I think that’s something we should figure out. We can’t continue to run up the deficit 36, 37, $38 trillion. Look, on a bipartisan basis, we spent all this money, on a bipartisan basis, we should figure out how to solve that problem.”

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