Former President Bill Clinton argues the so-called gun debate can only be solved if some kind of consensus is reached on how to do it.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Clinton explained how he believed it would be done. However, he called the status quo “not rational.”

“One thing that is pretty clear is whatever we do, we need to it more together,” he said. “And I think we need to start talking across this divide.”

According to Clinton, those who broke away from long-held beliefs on Second Amendment issues faced consequences.

“It is not rational that we should have a dramatically higher death rate among school-aged children because of gun violence than any other country in the world,” Clinton added. “And you know, a lot of people get mad about this thoughts and prayers. But if you believe that you have to — if you believe you are compelled to let kids die in order to keep your freedoms, that’s sort of the way this debate is.”

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