Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH) said on Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that former President Donald Trump lost the past three elections for the Republican Party.

Sununu said, “Republicans are rallying and supporting former President Trump over these indictments, and there’s a lot of support. Does it translate into a vote? We will see. Most folks don’t decide who they’re voting for until three weeks before the election. There’s not even a single debate has been had, and I just think it’s so far away, and at the end of the day, we want a winner, right? Republicans want someone who can win in November of ‘24. Donald Trump is a loser. He has not just lost once. He lost us … our House seats in 2018. He lost everything and ‘20. We should have 54 U.S. senators right now, and we don’t because of his message. So, Donald Trump is positioning himself as a four-time loser in 2024. We need candidates that can win.”

Anchor Chuck Todd said, “Isn’t a problem that the majority of Republicans don’t believe what you said that he lost in 2020 because the loser message should work unless you don’t believe he lost?”

Sununu said, “It’s not just 2020. We got crushed in 2022.”

He added, “You know, you can’t govern if you don’t win. And again, so he drags that ticket down. I think that reality is going to really come to bear through the primary process. So I understand folks are supporting him. They think that a lot of the stuff with the DA is political, which I believe it is, too, by the way.”

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