Wednesday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned the United States’ adversarial situation with Mainland China was unique, unlike any other time in U.S. history.

According to the Arkansas Republican, China was a more significant threat than the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany in the last century.

“Now, Senator, everyone thinks that I talk way too much about China,” Ingraham said. “And I have for what, 25 years now. But other than the cultural Marxists on the Left here in the United States, is there any greater threat to our future than with China and what they’re doing today?”

“No, there’s not, Laura. China is the gravest threat to America, and our way of life, and the other threats really don’t even come close, Cotton replied. “China is maybe the most powerful adversary we faced as a nation in part because, for the last 40 years, we’ve helped grow their economy, which in turn has grown their military. We’ve never faced a competitor like China. Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany — these were not countries that had economies anywhere near the size of ours, that therefore could support a military like ours.”

“And as you laid out in your opening monologue, I mean, Joe Biden is continually behind the power curve when it comes to China,” he added. “And the simple fact is, in world politics, either you run the show or the show runs you. And right now, the show is running Joe Biden, and that’s bad for America.”

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