On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) said that the Biden administration is “not prepared” for the end of Title 42.

Host Bret Baier asked, “Title 42, coming to an end, is there an answer here in the coming days?”

Sinema answered, “Well, there should be an answer. The administration has known for two years that the end of Title 42 was coming. It was never intended to be a long-term solution. And [Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)] and I together, as the Chair and top — Ranking Member of the Border Subcommittee in the Senate, have been calling on the administration to prepare for the end of Title 42. Unfortunately, Bret, I’m sad to tell you that they haven’t done it. They have not prepared for the end of Title 42, which comes in just a week and a half.”

Sinema also said that while the Biden administration’s plan to send 1,500 troops will help, “no one can claim that that is going to be enough. The reality is is that we’re seeing over 1,000 single male adults come through the Tucson sector every single day. We don’t have enough buses to transport those individuals to other parts of the country. We don’t have enough holding facilities to keep them incarcerated until a disposition has been made. We don’t have the space, the money, or the personpower to address this crisis. 1,500 people will help. But we both know it’s nowhere near enough.”

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