During Friday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Hannity,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said the indictments of former President Donald Trump underscored the presence of a two-tiered justice system in America.

“[T]his is a sad day for the equal application of the law,” he said. “We all know that. But I think, more importantly, this is about election interference. Step back — think about this for a second, Sean. We have an email that the Biden administration sent on day three, day three, the White House. Rob Flaherty sends an email to Twitter saying take down this tweet ASAP, and the tweet is by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. So think about it, the White House is working to censor their primary election opponent now they are going to indict their general election opponent, all while Joe Biden’s family took millions of dollars from foreign nationals, all while Joe Biden’s family — Joe Biden has classified documents at four different locations.”

“And then, of course, there’s the comparison that you made to how they were treated, Secretary Clinton,” Jordan continued. “This is ridiculous what’s going on, and the country understands that and sees clearly that they’ve been out to get President Trump in 2016 when it was the Trump-Russia hoax, the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. 2018, Bob Mueller. 2020, suppression of the Biden laptop story with the 51 former intel officials, and now, this. It is wrong, and the country knows it’s wrong.”

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