During an interview with NBC Chicago on Friday, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said that while the city is dealing with a “humanitarian crisis” over the migrants that have been sent to the city, “we’re committed to making sure that…the City of Chicago’s a sanctuary city, that we’re going to continue to embrace that.”

NBC Chicago Political Reporter Mary Ann Ahern asked, “Migrants, even more have arrived in the last week. We have aldermen who are concerned. They’re talking about crimes that are being committed. If you’ve walked — as I did yesterday — down State Street, it’s not safe. What’s going on and what are you going to do to get help — move, perhaps have the suburbs, as you mentioned, help you out?”

Johnson answered, “Well, look, everyone is participating in working towards addressing this humanitarian crisis. The State of Illinois, and I appreciate the support of Gov. JB Pritzker (D), the board president, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle (D), as well as the full force of government and the City of Chicago. Since I’ve been in office, 90 more busses have arrived, thousands of families continue to show up over the course of these last 90 days. And so, what I’ve said repeatedly, and I’ll say it again, that we’re committed to making sure that what was passed 40 years ago, by Mayor Harold Washington, to make sure that the City of Chicago’s a sanctuary city, that we’re going to continue to embrace that. And so, we’re going to continue to make sure, like we’ve been doing, to expand shelters, and we’ve had — we’ve put ten more shelters online since I’ve been in office, and, of course, we’re going to continue to work to move people out of police stations.”

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