During an appearance on Thursday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a candidate for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, blamed “awfully pathetic” President Joe Biden for the lack of support for U.S. involvement in Ukraine.

According to the former Republican New Jersey governor, helping Ukraine is helping us.

“It’s awfully pathetic,” he said. “And the reason why that there’s not even more universal support among the American people is we have a pathetic president of the United States who will not make the case for Ukraine because he can’t. Not because the facts aren’t there — but because he is not mentally or physically up to making the case.”

“Look, Brian, the last time we turned our back on a war in Europe, we wound up having to go in later and sacrificing tens of billions of dollars, but more importantly, over half a million American lives,” Christie added. “We need to arm the Ukrainians to degrade the Russian army. This is a fight with China and Russia and North Korea and Iran. We need to send them all a message on this. If Ukraine wants to do that, we should help them help us.”

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