On Friday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Harvard Law Professor and Newsmax Legal Analyst Alan Dershowitz encouraged donors “to stop contributing to these elite universities unless they do a reckoning, not only with their past and historical antisemitism, but with their current antisemitism, tolerance of the kind of double standard antisemitism.”

Dershowitz said, “The faculty is part of the problem. Many of the faculty propagandized the students to dehumanize Jews and to dehumanize Israelis and schools hired people — and remember, a lot of this started with the killing of George Floyd and what was called the reckoning that universities had, looking back at their history of racism. … Well, don’t you think these events require a reckoning at Harvard? Which has had a long history, it supported Nazis during the 1930s, it supported eugenics in the 1920s, it supported quotas against Jews and Catholics in the 1910s. I think a reckoning is now required by universities, and they should stop making them into propaganda mills where everything is based on intersectionality, everything is based on colonialism, on how Jews are the villains of the world. It’s gone much too far.”

He continued, “And I have to tell you now, many donors are stopping contributing to these elite universities, and I encourage them to stop contributing to these elite universities unless they do a reckoning, not only with their past and historical antisemitism, but with their current antisemitism, tolerance of the kind of double standard antisemitism. I have one rule for Harvard and anywhere else: Treat these people as if they supported the burning of a black church in which young kids — young black kids were murdered, treat them as if they supported shooting up a gay bar, treat them the same way, because that’s what these kids are supporting. These are lynchings. 1,300 Israelis, Jewish Israelis were lynched. And would you imagine any university supporting lynching? Well, you don’t have to imagine it. These universities are essentially not attacking lynching. Even the president of Harvard would not condemn these students. And can you imagine what she would do if students had defended the burning of a black church or a gay church? There’s no way in which the same standard would be applied, and Harvard and other schools must apply the same standard that they would apply to neo-Nazis, to racists, to advocates of rape, to advocates of lynching. Just because the victims are Jewish doesn’t give you a pass.”

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