Tuesday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) suggested jail for former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci allegedly lying to Congress about his decisions during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Senator, it was all — yeah, Senator, they were lying,” FNC host Laura Ingraham said. “And the lying had real consequences for children, their mental health, their education, for business, for our faith, not being able to go to houses of worship? I mean, that’s fundamental American freedoms. And I’ll ask you again, what should the consequences be for Anthony Fauci?”

“Jail,” Paul replied. “You know, I’ve sent two referrals to the Department of Justice. I think he lied to Congress, which is a felony. You know, several folks from the Trump administration were accused of lying to Congress and carted off to jail with FBI agents all over their property, you know, yanking them out of their house early in the morning. But we have two tiers of justice here. It depends on whether you were a supporter of Donald Trump or you’re a supporter of big government, you know, the centralized government.”

“But Anthony Fauci did lie to Congress,” he continued. “We know that from his own words, not because I say he lies, but his private emails say he was lying. Virtually everything he said in private contradicted what he was saying in public. And he was fairly honest in private. In private, he said masks don’t work. In public, he wore three masks. In private, he admitted that there was such a thing as natural immunity gained from getting the infection. In public, he was like, oh, you know, we’re not going to measure that. It’s unpredictable.”

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