On Friday’s broadcast of NewsNation’s “The Hill,” Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) stated that “We’re going to see this economy turn around.” And “the real economy is going to be going very well this summer.”

Sherman said, “We’re going to see this economy turn around. It has already begun. The stock market is a predictor. It’s a leading indicator. And, I think, by the summer, people will respect what the president has done economically, and we’ll see that reflected in the polls.”

Host Blake Burman then cut in to ask, “I’m glad you mentioned the economy, because, today, — and I was going to ask you about this — the S&P 500 closed for the first time above 5,000. That there a record. It closed above 5,000 today. It closed above 4,000 in the beginning of the Biden presidency. I would think that Democrats would be screaming to the rooftops about this, and you just brought it up, to your credit. But doesn’t all the other stuff cloud that, and isn’t that part of the problem?”

Sherman responded, “Well, what matters is the real economy. But you have the smartest people, the richest people on Wall Street betting that the real economy is going to be going very well this summer. That’s why they’re buying stocks now, and if they’re right, and they’re not always right, these polls will certainly turn around. The fact is that Biden has put together an outstanding [set of] legislative accomplishments. He may be the most accomplished President we have had, perhaps since Roosevelt. And I think that, as people look and see what we’re doing on infrastructure, etc., that Biden will win by a comfortable majority.”

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