Monday on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) maintained the prescription for dealing with Russia as it pertained to Ukraine was a willingness to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Kansas Republican argued that stance was something lacking from the European Union, adding that Putin did not respect Biden or the European Union.

“Let’s talk about this because any aid that is going to be sent to Ukraine or to Israel or Taiwan, any border funding, all has to go through the House, who does not seem willing to take the steps that the Senate wants them to,” FBN host Cheryl Casone said. “Where are we now?”

“Look, that’s up to the House, what Speaker Johnson wants to do,” Marshall replied. “I don’t think they had the votes over there to fund Ukraine or Israel unless we secure our border first. But if I could, this is yet again another example, this interview with President Biden is exactly why Putin does not respect Joe Biden. Putin does not respect the European Union nations. We have over 100,000 troops in Europe right now.”

“Our actions show that we are standing up to Putin, but we need the European countries to put on their big boy pants,” he added. “They need to stand up and push back on Putin too. Look, if you’re being bullied on the recess at grade school, you don’t ask your mom to come and fight the bully for you. It’s time for the European Union to stand up and push back as well.”

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