Former Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield claimed Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that former President Donald Trump was “macheted” during his appearance at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday.

Bedingfield said, “Oh, see, I think it’s the opposite. I mean, traditionally, you’re not going to send your candidate into a place where you know he’s going to get jeered for 30 minutes. He also cut his speech short. I mean, he wasn’t enjoying it, he wasn’t loving it.”

She continued, “So, I know the spin from the Trump campaign has been, ‘We’re trying to go into non-traditional places and unite the country.’ But, this, to me, I think, actually shows how concerned they are. They’re concerned about RFK Jr., they see him taking enough of Trump support in polls that they felt they had to send their guy in to, essentially, get liked macheted at the Libertarian Conference because they’re worried about the support that RFK Jr. is getting.”

Bedingfield added, “Don’t forget, he’s also in the Bronx because he’s on trial in Manhattan and tethered to New York. So, I don’t think that’s like such a strategic decision as it is a tactical one.”

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