A woman in Florida has been accused of performing sexual acts with her dog. Police say that her former boyfriend recorded the scenes.

The woman and her ex-boyfriend were arrested on Tuesday, the New York Post reported Wednesday:

Christina Calello, 36, “willingly engaged in sexual activity with the dog on multiple occasions” over the course of roughly eight years, according to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department.

Her ex-lover, 39-year-old Geoffrey Springer, of Largo, allegedly recorded the encounters and put them on a hard drive.

There were no visible injuries to the dog, but deputies took it to an animal hospital so medical staff could do an examination.

The Post shared a photo of the suspects in the case:

In 2021, the Florida Senate passed a bill aimed at increasing penalties for bestiality and creating a law banning pornography that showed individuals engaging in sex with animals, the Associated Press (AP) reported.

“Bestiality would be increased from a first-degree misdemeanor to a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Possession of pornography involving animals would also be a third-degree felony,” the article continued:

Anyone convicted of either offense could be banned for up to five years from owning, possessing or exercising control over an animal and wouldn’t be allowed to live in a home where an animal also lives. They would also be prohibited from being employed in a job or volunteering at a place where animals are present.

Meanwhile, authorities did not reveal the exact type of sexual acts alleged in the recent case.

“The pair were taken to the Pinellas County Jail and charged with sexual activity involving animals,” the Post report said.

Calello posted a $5,000 bond and was subsequently released. A few months ago, the woman had also been charged with domestic battery.

Meanwhile, authorities released Springer on his own recognizance.

In 2016, another Florida woman was charged with having sex with her dogs, the Collier County Sheriff’s Department said at the time.

“Miranda Johns, 21, was charged with three counts of sexually molesting her dogs after video of the woman engaging in the activities came to light in a separate investigation,” Breitbart News reported.