Elaine Parker of Job Creators Network writes in RealClear Policy that, as strong as the economy is for the American worker, there are dark clouds on the horizon with policy proposals from the likes of Bernie Sanders such as Medicare for All:

Labor Day isn’t simply a long weekend to mark the closing days of summer. It’s a holiday intended to celebrate the foundation on which this country is built: the American worker. Luckily, these building blocks have benefited from the economic upswing of the past two years.

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However, the white-hot labor market sparking opportunity for workers and entrepreneurs alike is being threatened. The most recent ambush is resurrected from the past. 2020 presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, recently came out in favor of returning to an Obama-era labor regulation standard that was walked back under the Trump administration.

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Other policy threats on the horizon include proposals like Medicare for All — a health care framework that will restrict consumer choice and cost taxpayers trillions of dollars — and far-out ideas like the Green New Deal that will flip the economy on its head with unthinkable regulations applied to both businesses and individuals.

Read the rest of the article here.