A poll indicated Monday more Americans hold President Joe Biden responsible for rising inflation than Former President Donald Trump.

When the Trafalgar Group asked likely general election voters, “Who do you hold most responsible for rising inflation?” 39.0 percent blamed Biden, while just 17.7 percent named Trump.

Another 14.4 percent holds Congress responsible and 17.9 percent did not know.

The poll also discovered Democrats hold Biden more responsible than Trump for inflation by 5.8 percent. Republicans on the other hand, held Biden responsible by a greater margin of 52.7 percent.

The concern of inflation, which hurts the poorest Americans by making the few dollars they possess worthless in terms of purchasing power, comes as the Consumer Price Index increased five percent in May from a year ago, the fastest rise since 2008.

The index is used to measure a basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households and is correlated with inflation.

Some economic analysts contend inflation could go on for longer than expected because of the combination of very low interest rates, pent up consumer demand for goods and services, a particularly large budget deficit, and the release of excess savings built up by stimulus payments.

The Trafalgar Group poll was conducted June 6 – 7 with 1073 respondents of likely general election voters with 95 percent confidence.