Alfredo Ortiz of Job Creators Network writes in The Hill that Americans are generally opposed to President Biden’s expansive and wildly expensive Build Back Better bill; it is simply too costly:

Democrats are desperately trying to salvage their $3.5 trillion Build Back Better reconciliation bill opposed by moderate Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who reportedly has agreed to work on a compromise. Their latest tactic to bolster support is fearmongering, claiming that the bill must pass for the party to maintain support from the electorate.

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This self-serving position isn’t backed up by evidence. In fact, the more that Americans learn about this historic tax and spending plan, the more they seem to oppose it. Consider a newly released Gallup poll conducted last month. It reveals the share of Americans who say the government does too much has increased to 52 percent from 41 percent last year, while the percentage saying it should do more fell to 43 percent from 54 percent. It’s no coincidence this significant shift in public opinion coincided with Democrats’ attempts to pass the biggest government expansion since the Great Society programs of the 1960s.

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Small business taxes, runaway inflation, declining wages. These are the kitchen table issues Americans actually care about — not the effort to remake the country to make more people dependent on the government from cradle to grave. No wonder Americans oppose this bill when its broader costs are taken into account. As leftist comedian Bill Maher recently pointed out, Manchin and Sinema “might have their thumbs more on the pulse of the average Democrat in the country.”
Read the rest of the article here.