Democrat wins in the Georgia Senate runoffs would give a Joe Biden administration a clear path to spend billions more in taxpayer dollars on government schools that have already failed low-income students, despite billions already spent on progressive initiatives like the Common Core Standards.

Politico mapped out Monday the significance of Democrat victories in the Georgia runoffs:

This month will usher in a new president who wants to spend tens of billions on reopening schools, triple funding for Title I schools, make community college free, double the Pell Grant program and, and, and…

— But much of what President-elect Joe Biden can do on education — and anything else — after his Jan. 20 inauguration will depend on what happens Tuesday in Georgia’s two runoff elections, which will determine control of the Senate. The outcome will affect the confirmation process for Biden’s Education secretary nominee, Connecticut Education Commissioner Miguel Cardona, who may get a quicker hearing if Democrats lead the Senate HELP Committee. It could also affect the makeup of the committee because one of the candidates, Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), is a member.

In addition to spending billions more on free community college and public schools that have failed black and Hispanic children under progressive initiatives, Biden’s anticipated nominee to head the U.S. Department of Education fits right in with the progressives’ emphasis on identity politics over education.

Miguel Cardona, 45, Connecticut commissioner of education, made headlines in early December when Gov. Ned Lamont (D-CT), an early Biden supporter, announced his state would be the first in the nation to require high schools to offer black and Latino studies courses.

Cardona said the course was added because “identities matter,” explaining that 27 percent of Connecticut’s students identify as Hispanic and 13 percent as black.

“This curriculum acknowledges that by connecting the story of people of color in the U.S. to the larger story of American history,” Cardona added. “The fact is that more inclusive, culturally relevant content in classrooms leads to greater student engagement and better outcomes for all.”

Two of Cardona’s areas of interest have been English language learners and closing the achievement gap between black and Hispanic students and their white peers, which is what Americans were told Common Core would accomplish.

Additionally, a Democrat-controlled House and Senate would allow Biden to roll back policies made by President Donald Trump’s administration, including one that ended the Obama administration’s campus sexual assault policies that denied due process to students accused of sexual misconduct.

With Democrat wins in the Georgia runoffs, Biden will also be able to crush Trump’s school choice policies, one of his stated goals, and give teachers’ unions the victory they have been seeking.