President Joe Biden proposed four more years of free government education as the teachers union pushes Critical Race Theory (CRT).

“The fact of the matter is, we believe we should have a minimum of 14 years of education,” Biden said in Illinois at the McHenry County College in Crystal Lake to promote his trojan horse infrastructure proposal.

“I want to guarantee an additional four years of public education for every person in America, starting with providing two years of universal, high quality preschool for three and four-year-olds,” Biden stated.

“And then I want to add two years of free community college for everyone,” Biden said. “We can afford it,” he claimed.

Biden’s proposal to increase the length of time children and young adults spend in government schools comes as CRT is causing controversy across the country, with teachers unions promoting the Marxist-based ideology that divides people into the “oppressor” and the oppressed based on race.

Breitbart News reported July 4 that the National Education Association (NEA) has moved to openly promote the teaching of CRT in K-12 schools and to oppose any bans on instruction in both the Marxist ideology and the widely discredited New York Times’ “1619 Project.”

The nation’s largest teachers’ union resolved to “research the organizations attacking educators,” doing what it referred to as “anti-racist work,” as well as to “use the research already done and put together a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to utilize when they are attacked.”

NEA also approved New Business Item 39 in which the measure vows to “share and publicize, through existing channels, information already available on critical race theory (CRT) – what it is and what it is not.”

The union’s resolution also intends to have “a team of staffers for members who want to learn more and fight back against anti-CRT rhetoric.”