A preschooler in Polk County, Florida, spent an entire day performing his dream job with law enforcement officers.

Merrick Lloyd, who has spent the past six months enduring radiation and chemotherapy treatments in his fight with cancer, recently shared his dream of becoming a sheriff with his family, so his teachers and the Polk County Sheriff’s Office took action, WTSP reported Thursday.

According to the Mayo Clinic’s website, chemotherapy is a treatment of powerful chemicals that kills fast-growing cells in a person’s body.

“Chemotherapy is most often used to treat cancer, since cancer cells grow and multiply much more quickly than most cells in the body,” the site read.

Merrick got to meet several of his heroes, including Sheriff Grady Judd, 911 dispatchers, and members of the SWAT Team. In addition, he got to wear a custom-made uniform during his shift working as an honorary deputy.

“Dream big, Merrick! It was wonderful getting to know you, your teachers, and your family this week,” the sheriff’s office said in a Facebook post.

Photos showed the little boy fist-bumping a dispatcher, shaking hands with officials, and sitting inside the cockpit of a plane and helicopter:

According to Carlton Palmore Elementary School, Merrick was given a plaque and backpack stuffed with gifts during his special day.

“Thank you for your generosity and making one of our student’s dreams come true! You are the BEST!” the school said in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

Facebook users also praised officials for making the day a success and wished the little boy all the best.

“God bless you all and thank you for making a little boy’s dream come true. Prayers for Merrick that he gets well and this terrible disease goes away never to come back,” one person commented.

“That is fabulous. Thank you PCSO and ALL involved. Deputy Merrick is the real deal!!” another wrote.