Catholic League President Bill Donohue warned Thursday that the U.S. education establishment is pursuing “a full-court press to deliberately divide the races.”

Education elites are “indoctrinating students with critical race theory,” Dr. Donohue asserts, the result of which is “mainlining racism in the schools.”

“To tell one race of students that they are morally inferior to the other is racist, and that is the point of telling white kids that they belong to the oppressor class,” he contends. “To tell white students that their skin color alone makes them racists is manifestly racist.”

This is, however, “what critical race theory espouses,” he notes. “The logical effect of this agenda is to divide the races. The Klan could not do better.”

In June, the National Education Association (NEA) “approved a motion to adopt critical race theory in the schools,” Donohue continues, calling for in-depth study “that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society.”

“This is the kind of Marxist claptrap we would expect from a brainwashed high school student, to say nothing of its illiteracy,” Donohue quips.

The NEA has also asserted its support for Black Lives Matter, “which explicitly declares that it wants to smash the nuclear family,” he writes.

The NEA deleted a number of the bullet items adopted in June from its website, but not before the Catholic League could copy and preserve them.

The leadership of the NEA and their cheerleaders like AOC “are not liberals,” Donohue argues. “They are far left-wing activists” who are “drowning out the voice of reasonable liberals.”

“Unless those who were previously in the center, and were pushed to the fringes, recapture their command seats, the result will be more racism, not less of it,” he concludes.