President Joe Biden’s new advisory council on families and education includes many pro-transgender, Critical Race Theory-supporting opponents of normal two-parent families.

The council “is made up of people and organizations that are in lock step with the administration’s socialist ideology and agenda for our children,” Elicia Brand, co-founder of Army of Parents, said in a Fox News report.

After the Department of Education announced the formation of the new National Parents and Families Engagement Council last week, some parental rights organizations are calling foul.

The announcement said the council will hold “listening sessions” to hear from parents about how children are recovering from the coronavirus lockdowns and will provide “constructive ways to help families engage at the local level.”

“The National Parents and Families Engagement Council will serve as an important link between families, caregivers, education advocates and their school communities,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said.

The council consists of many groups with left-wing agendas, including the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), which openly opposed the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and openly endorsed Cardona’s nomination to the Department of Education.

Another council member, National School Board Association (NSBA), sent a letter to the Department of Justice requesting that parents protesting at school board meetings be examined under the Patriot Act as “domestic terrorists.”

Others on the council include:

Fox News reported on reaction to the council:

Elizabeth McCauley of the Virginia Mavens told Fox News Digital that the creation of the council is an indication that the Biden administration knows they have been “put on notice by parents across the political spectrum who truly want students educated versus indoctrinated and do not want to have any sexualization of young children and students by radical out of touch school boards.”

“By and large my main frustration with the committee is its (sic) lack of representation of the very groups of parents who have felt so disenfranchised by school boards across the country – Asian American parents who have advocated to preserve merit based admittance to governor schools – in Fairfax County that would be the Thomas Jefferson School, parents like myself who are highly concerned about pornographic novels with pedophilia in the schools, and parents who are working to stop medical discrimination in our schools, so students are not forced to comply with vaccine mandates of inoculations still under emergency use authorization,” McCauley said.

“The Parents Council is a consortium of left-wing special interest groups,” Fox News contributor Karol Markowicz agreed. “These astroturfed groups are the exact opposite of parents who got up at school board meetings to fight for their kids’ educations. These groups are the same people standing in the way of parents. Sec. Cardona and the rest of the Biden administration think parents will be tricked by this group. They won’t.”

First lady Jill Biden supports the council, according to recent remarks:

“Parents and teachers, all of us, we need to fight now for the lives of our children and the safety of our schools,” she said. “This partnership of parents and educators is powerful.”

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