Today, among the major box office releases debuting at the theater, is “Under the Sea 3D,” a fascinating, visual wonder about sea life. It’s very cool–and occasionally creepy, like when giant, poisonous sea snakes jump out at you from the IMAX screen.

But while this great cinematography would make a great scientific outing for you and your kids, you’ll have to outfit them with heavy duty earplugs or enroll them in a deprogramming seminar, afterward. That’s because narrator Jim Carrey (yup, that guy) repeatedly hits you over the head about how we humans are destroying the underworld (no, not that underworld) and the fish and other wildlife that live there. (No mention, though, of how Carrey and girlfriend Jenny McCarthy repeatedly “global warm” with their private jets and heavy lighting and energy use on movies.)

Yes, just as they did in “Arctic Tale’s” child abuse, your kids are once again told that they and their parents are killing the cute and cuddly sea lions. It’s like they used the same template and did a summer version of “Arctic Tale.” Gee, I wonder how many sea lions Jim Carrey killed with his energy use in making “Yes Man.” Under the Hypocrisy 3D.

Since the movie is only 40 minutes long and has lots of great 3D stuff going on, it’s ideal for antsy kids and antsy adults (like me). But do you really want to subject your kids to a repeated global warming propaganda 2×4 hit over the head? And, by the way, the trailer lies to potential viewers, without any inkling of the global warming fine whine throughout.

It’s a tough decision.

Check out my reviews of this weekend’s other new movies. The best thing about the dull “The International” is when a shoot-out destroys most of the interior of the Guggenheim. I love seeing modern (phony) art destroyed. And read about my experience confronting the moron “parents” who took their young kids to see “Friday the 13th”–more graphic, explicitly sexual, and horrid than the previous gore-fests of the same name. Some might say these parents are prime targets for Jason.