Thank you Gary, for your insightful passionate piece defending life in the womb. I know you really took a risk, and I thank you. There’s no time anymore to pussyfoot around.

Funny isn’t it, how the party of acceptance is very unaccepting of an opposing view. They cling to the mantra that those who believe in protecting the unborn are religious nuts, uneducated and ignorant. It’s a great place to hide, but I believe that as time goes by they are running out of hiding places.

It was brilliant when you referred to the statement, “abortions should be rare.” Why would they say that when it’s a safe and legal “procedure” enjoyed by thousands every day? No big woop. Have abortion parties to celebrate saving the whales, lie in the stirrups and get a pedicure. No big deal, right?

There have been so many studies done about post-abortion trauma that will never see the light of day. I for one suffered. I murdered not one but two of my own children in the womb. In both cases I waited until the deadline at the end of the third month. Back then, in the early seventies, I didn’t have the convenience of “Roe V. Wade” or “Doe. V. Bolton.” So it was back alley, and I have to say categorically that in both cases I knew that it was not a blob of tissue.

Call it a mother thing, but you KNOW it’s a life. Would I have changed my mind had I been able to see an ultrasound? I don’t know. I was a teenager. I know I disliked children and decided to never have one. What difference could one life make anyway?

Six years later, in 1977, I was pregnant again. Yeah, I know, but I had bought into the free-love culture. Well, this wasn’t love and it didn’t make me free, but this time I knew I couldn’t murder again and was blessed with a healthy boy.

When my son was about ten, I remember when we joined a large group holding signs in front of a religious based hospital to protest their purchase of sophisticated equipment to perform second trimester murders. The signs simply read, “Abortion Is Murder.” I was busy talking to some moms when I turned around and saw that my son had written on the back of his poster: “I’m glad my mom didn’t abort me.”

Quietly, I sobbed.

I have since told him everything, about how I was part and parcel of the extermination of his generation. To say he’s pro-life is an understatement. In July, he will have his first child. My grandchild will be born because I grew up, was honest with myself and chose life.

The scars from having an abortion do not go away when you finally have a child. As a matter of fact, I was an angry parent until I found forgiveness, forgave myself and grieved the loss of those two lives. This was the result of a spiritual awakening.

Today I am appalled at the ignorance that is wholesaled by the lunatic proponents of casual murders of convenience. I am an actor from Chicago who meets all kinds of people and I can testify that it is widely believed that abortion is only allowed in the first trimester. When I tell them it ain’t so, they accuse me of reciting pro-life rhetoric. Read “Doe v. Bolton,” and Gary, as you mentioned, partial birth abortion … don’t get me started.

I will close with this. Don’t think for a moment this nation will not be judged for the millions of murders we embrace. The earth is soaked with the blood of the innocents. And I believe that our greatest defense on their behalf is the plain truth clearly seen and heard invitro — a beating heart.

Thanks again, Gary,

Maggie Malone

Chicago, Ill