Mr. President, the fact that you and your party spent the better part of 8 years systematically and falsely tearing down the presidency of George W. Bush to seize this moment of power is reflective of the fact that your party is corrupt beyond belief. Only a corrupt organization can behave with one singular, mean-spirited and patently false message like that for eight long years. You’re not a real leader, but instead you’re a brilliant MIS-leader.

I’ve intentionally held back from being too critical long enough to give the President and his staff time to really show their hand to the American people but enough is enough. This is a disaster that is going to last 4 slow, long years and will likely end with legions of young Democrats, completely disenfranchised, running to our party because we’re the only ones who actually read and understand the fine print. Consider a vote for a Republican in 2010 and 2012 to be like that extended warranty you can purchase with expensive electronics. You know, the one that provides added protection against defects? If what’s broke cannot be fixed then it’s replaced free of charge with something new and better — and Congress has been making some strange sucking sounds lately…

Democrats; the storyline and slick packaging of President Obama does not have the authenticity and staying power of your intended remake of Ronald Reagan. It’s obvious that you are really trying to create your party’s “Reagan moment” but I’m sorry to inform you that greatness cannot be or packaged together using character traits from past heroes. At least not in the real world. The production was outstanding and believable on the surface but it’s become instantly clear that the script is totally lacking in substance and the star is just another pretty face. The truth sticks, everything else just slides down into the gutter of irrelevance over time, depending on how much BS helps it stick a little longer than it should.

Consider how President Reagan’s path to Washington began. While serving as President of the Screen Actors Guild he came into conflict with other members of the board who didn’t feel it was necessary for all of the members to vote on an issue that would effect them. He quickly learned that many of those in opposition to the open vote were in fact card carrying communist party members with a political agenda. Shortly after that, Reagan began to carry a pistol around with him because it got that dangerous for him to stand up for individual rights amongst his peers in Hollywood. That’s how he began his move to the right and national politics. Then as POTUS he exposed how inherently evil communism is to the entire world and beat it, restored America’s image abroad and, more importantly, how we felt about ourselves. He is now revered as one of the greatest President’s ever.

Jimmy Carter’s presidency actually was a political disaster that opened the door to Reagan so the Democrats, with the help of liberal Hollywood, went about browbeating into the minds of the American people that anything and everything President Bush did was wrong or bad or dumb or silly. They kept that message coming at us from all angles at all times. From newspapers to late night TV there was hardly anyone in the MSM that went off script. Bush is bad. Period. They manufactured the feeling that Bush’s presidency was a disaster in order to come riding in with all the solutions to save us from their fantasy mess when it was their turn to govern. I can just imagine a meeting where Democratic leadership looked at the history of elections past and asked themselves, “What worked?” instead of, “What’s true?” That’s why so many 6 o’clock news know-it-alls fell hook line and sinker for the pitch. Now everywhere you go people are starting to understand what Congress and the President are doing and with genuine concern are looking at one another and saying, “What’s this?”

Creating a problem in order to be the ones to fix it has been the DNC’s main game plan and it partially worked. I say partially because American’s elected W. twice and then Democrats got to install the most left leaning President ever who will try to charismatically seduce America into embracing less pay, higher taxes, state run health care, political correctness as law — you know…socialism.

I’m still waiting for the press conference where President Obama announces an end to the practice of affirmative action. Too bad that would only happen if his rise to the top was more genuine instead of being so politically convenient for the Democratic party.

Ronald Reagan was a man who rose to the occasion, not a man who the occasion dreamt up in order to keep a political party alive.