Welcome to PROFILES IN COURAGE, a series of articles profiling the courage and honor from some of the many Wounded Heroes that Road 2 Recovery has come in contact with. It is an honor and privilege to have worked with these brave men and women who have been severely wounded and had to overcame both mental and physical injuries. They have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom.

It is a testament to their courage that each of them has not only overcome these wounds, but has gone beyond what most people thought was possible. Many of them have dedicated themselves to showing fellow wounded warriors the way as mentors, some have gone back to active duty to continue serving our country.

This week’s profile features a women who has participated in each of the R2R program events. She has come a long way in a short amount of time. Her unique story is told here.

Smiling Patty on the way to finish of East Coast ride

U..S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Patricia S. Collins was a remarkable soldier and athlete long before her life was changed forever. Since that day, she has exceeded her own high standards.

“Patty” is a distinguished paratrooper with hundreds of jumps to her credit. She is also the mother of Gabe, an energetic three-year-old whose smile is the mirror of his mom’s. An avid cyclist, swimmer and runner, she carries herself with the sure posture of a career military officer.

She has also served her country well, including two special duty missions in Iraq.

First time we met…

Upon her return from her last Iraq tour, Patty was cycling with friends when she was struck by a car. Her left leg was severely damaged and later had to be amputated below her knee.

An accident like that would knock down the faith and future of anyone, but Patty has soldiered on with even more dedication to serving her country, her family and her athletic pursuits.

Patty was drawn to Road 2 Recovery because she had been down that road herself. Riding with R2R made her realize that “although I may not ride as strong as I used to, the same feelings and endorphins and camaraderie with fellow cyclists is the same as it ever was, and it’s really nice to have that back. It gave me confidence to continue to dream of physical challenges again.”

Patty with her new cycling leg

A veteran of R2R’s epic San Francisco to Los Angeles ride in 2008, Patty is enthusiastic about the great people she’s met on the road and in the countless meetings that help the program expand to meet the needs of those who have given their nation so much.

“As a veteran, Road 2 Recovery has given me a sense of belonging and brotherhood with those who are experiencing or have experienced similar injuries/rehab struggles, etc., to show recovering people what positive things may lie ahead for them. If they can show themselves they can complete these rides, the sky is the limit.

Riding with Vietnam vet Jim Penseyres

“As a supporter of our troops, seeing the tenacity of what a service-members can overcome is an inspiration and showing them how supportive and patriotic Americans can be, is a refreshing experience of the goodness and humanity of my fellow men and women.”

If you want to meet Patty, she’s likely to show up on the local mountain bike trails, running paths, climbing walls or R2R ride. She’s the one with the big smile.

For more info see: TheRoad2Recovery.org, and join us on Facebook