Of course we’re only churning around in the Gulf Stream wake of Dave Barry’s “24” blog here, but those people are so…I don’t know…so Dave Barry. They have all the Dave Barry books, and know all the inside Dave Barry “24” jokes. Plus, they get the benefit of an actual, professional humorist updating the live blog, and some genius guy who updates them inside the comments. Basically, they’re spoiled, and we’re just not going to hang around a bunch of spoiled, self-satisfied people on the East Coast gathered around the hems of Dave Barry’s tropical shirts. That makes no sense. Hmm, what is there to not like about Dave Barry. Oh, he has one of those never aging Ken-Burns-type boyish faces that people out here pay a lot of money for, and that’s just not fair.

****SPOILER*** When last we left the cast of comedians known as The Former CTU Players, they were acting as though life in America could actually go on after the President had been b****-slapped in the White House and then essentially surrendered on live TV. Old Man Buchanan, who spent this season with a semi-fashionable mullet grown out after he lost his wife to hiatus, threw himself after the kind of medal you get when you jump on a grenade, and Jack still seems angry about that, because it was his jump to make, dammit. Everybody’s dying, it sucks. Bill, First Son, Crazy Hot First Fiancee’, Little Tom Cruise, Psycho African Terrorists and the Women Who Love Them, Senator Head and so. many. more. All we have left is Aaron and Tony to come back and kick some ass. Oh and now the Chloe Family is on a mission to help Jack more than ever. The FBI/Jack love triangle has grown dull. Thankfully, Michelle has appeared on LOST this season to drive other people crazy with her acting, so there’s no way she can be written back in to save Tony’s soul or something before the end.

Jump in the comments and have more fun than Disney World.