With Washington and Hollywood acting with one unified radically liberal voice for the first time in American history, it’s become crystal clear that what the Democrats really want is simply to rule the world.

It was reported recently that box office receipts rose to a record $28.1 billion with 65% of that take coming from foreign countries. Bottom line, Hollywood is all about money and no one denies that. But now that the good old U.S.A. represents the smaller market share it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that the studios couldn’t care less what kind of anti-American low-brow product the town’s liberal elite continue to produce and promote.

Movies aren’t meant for us anymore. They’re meant for the rest of the world to see and be brainwashed by, because one way to bring about social change in this country is to change the American Dream itself in the minds of those who risk everything to come here.

We’re still that Shining City on a Hill — it’s just that our Democrat President and Congress, with the help of Hollywood, have distorted the bulb so badly that what’s illuminated and seen from a afar is a false image of what We the People, are all about. They’re showing the rest of the world what they want this country to be, not what it actually is, as defined by the vast majority of its citizens and the way in which they go about their daily lives.

Before liberalism infiltrated and took control of our politics and entertainment, America’s true light drew men and women of courage and hope to our nation who came for the chance to prosper in a land of opportunity — to become Americans. Immigrants like my in-laws, who came from the Philippines and were able to both find jobs and raise three kids in the heart of New York City — never seeking government hand outs, never complaining about long hours and the sometimes difficult circumstances of their journey, because the dignity that comes with providing for one’s self and family is reward enough for free men of any value. The rest is just gravy.

But now a new story is being broadcast around the globe. The dream is no longer what it used to be. Today it’s all about the idea that less is somehow more. Use less, do less, make less, buy less, leave less of yourself behind (meaning: children) — don’t breathe if you can help it. And so the net effect of socialism on any society is the distant stare you see in the hamstrung citizen’s faces — all the opportunities missed and chances never taken because they were always just out of reach.

I’ve been to Europe many times during Bush’s Presidency and let me assure you that no one ever gave me a hard time for being an American, and I typically break all the rules upon meeting someone new – religion and politics are the very first things out of my mouth. I have talked at length with cabbies on the way to the English countryside, artists in London, bankers in Canary Wharf – and not a one of them hates Americans or America. Although… When I was in Japan with my wife during the Clinton/Lewinsky debacle hiking around Mt. Fuji two Japanese men stopped us in the middle of a stunning snow-covered garden and said, without any introduction whatsoever, “Bill Clinton – Hahahahahahaha.” We felt horrible that our President disgraced us that day.

The Democrats must be kicked out of office in sweeping fashion in 2010 and 2012, or I fear that the Shining City’s light will be cranked down to a dull flicker in an ever darkening world. I’m fearful for the day when I walk the streets of our great cities and towns and fail to see that glimmer of light and hope in my fellow citizens eyes – the look you can only get from a free man pursuing his dreams without the government on his back.

Let’s dare to dream big again and let’s vote into power only those who legislate for lower taxes and smaller government so that we can achieve those dreams once more. Because when the American people are set free the world will be quickly reminded as to who we really are.

Register. Get active. Volunteer and spread the word and get out the vote NOW. President Obama spent two years running for office, so let’s spend three years running against him.