I’ve never robbed a house. Nor trashed one. And I don’t plan to take up breaking and entering as a second career. But as a screenwriter, with an active imagination, I always have an excuse to do a “what if…”

So, what if there are two houses next to each other. Fairly similar in size. In the first driveway is a Prius with a bumper sticker “War is not the answer.” In the second is a Ford Explorer SUV with a gun rack and a bumper sticker “Proud Member NRA.”

Which house would I rob, pillage and trash?


To me, all you great people in our military are the equivalent of having that SUV with the gun rack in the driveway of the U.S. of A. With the manpower and the guns and the skill and the smarts to do whatever’s necessary when the time comes. And that includes going after the bad guys where they live so they don’t ever come breaking and entering into our house again.

I thank you for being there, and for doing the most important job there is: protecting freedom. Thanks to you guys and gals, all the people in that house – including me — get to sleep comfortably at night.

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I am truly grateful.

Oh, and that first house? I think it’s called France or something.

Bob Gale