Well, they are finally starting to use it. I think you might remember I was the first. I bravely spoke it to the Hollywood Congress of Republicans (October, 2008), who put it on the Internet; and then I spoke it on O’Reilly and Hannity. My husband scolded me. He said no one would take me seriously if I was such an alarmist. I got hate mail. I lost friends. I probably lost jobs. I didn’t want to be mean. It really isn’t mean. It’s probably a compliment to the President since he likes to quote his Marxist professors, and by his own words and actions is trying his very best to “change” our country from Capitalist to Communist. I kept repeating, “but Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, so what’s the difference between Marxist and Communist?” No one had an answer.

I think it has something to do with the McCarthy era, when everyone was using the “C” word, and pointing fingers at everyone and getting everyone in trouble. But it’s different now. Anything goes, and we’re all “tolerant” and “inclusive”, right? I think we can use the word if it fits the situation. Words are just letters and sounds we use to communicate our ideas. Of course, words are powerful and should be used politely and accurately, so I assumed an attitude of kindness, and did my homework.

At my first protest, the Tea Party at Santa Monica Pier, I read from Webster’s Dictionary the definition of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism, because I had begun to realize that Americans don’t know what the words mean. Capitalism means freedom, the people control production. Socialism is the link between Capitalism and Communism. Communism is when the state controls everything; you know, like autos, banks, medicine, health insurance, taxes, television. (You know, like what Obama is doing.) No freedom. And soon…Poor, dirty, gray streets. Poor, dirty, gray faces.

Well, some people know the definitions. They learned it the hard way. All the Cubans who took over my hometown, Miami; they know what Communism is. Their streets were poor, dirty and gray. They risked their lives floating to America on rafts to escape Communism. My friend Sonja escaped Iran and then Russia to become an American. She knows what Communism is. She writes to her Senators and Representatives. She does not take freedom for granted.

I took my freedom for granted my whole life. It took the “C” word to wake me up. It took the “C” word to get me involved in the fight, because freedom isn’t free.

I am a beginner political activist. I’m doing everything wrong too, but at least I’m doing. I called Howard Berman, and told his assistant to vote “NO” on the Hate Crime thing. She belched, “Are you aware that Howard Berman is the one who created the bill?” I said, “No, I wasn’t aware of that, but tell him he’s wrong. All crimes are hate crimes. It’s just an attempt to push the gay agenda.” Then, I hung up red faced, but committed. I called Nancy Pelosi and when I got her voice mail, I said, “Please vote to keep Freedom of Speech, especially Conservative and Christian, on the radio and T.V. If you don’t, you’ll be sorry!” When I hung up my cell phone, my husband the cop screamed from across the car, “Who were you calling?!” He almost crashed. I said, “Nancy Pelosi.” He said, “You just threatened Nancy Pelosi?!! The Speaker of the House?!! The third in line?!!” I started shouting, “I didn’t threaten her life, I was just trying to be emphatic! I just meant that if she eliminates conservative and Christian talk radio, all that will be left will be Howard Stern, and filth, and porn, and everything will be dark and bad, and icky!” My husband the cop shouted back, “They take threats seriously, Vicki!!” So, I called her voice mail back, and told her my name and apologized and said that I was a beginner political activist and hadn’t worded my message right. I just wanted my freedom not to go away.” My husband shouted, “You just told her your name!”

So, now my phone calls are probably being intercepted by the CIA, but I still say the “C” word because I think it applies. It’s very sad and scary. There must be a way we can wake up our friends and neighbors. They are sleeping right through the takeover. Sigh. I read 1984 by George Orwell twice and it seems to be coming true. I’m going to attend my local Tea Party this weekend. I wear buttons that say, “Taxed Enough Already”, and “Well, at least the war on the middle class is going well.” I had a bumper sticker that said “I Resist Socialism” but someone smashed into my bumper. I’m buying Glenn Beck’s “Common Sense,” and Levin’s “Liberty & Tyranny.” I’m reading “Speechless: Silencing the Christians” by Wildmon. But, I can’t seem to figure out how to convert the lost!

Initially, I used the “C” word to get people’s attention, to wake them up to the fact that they were voting into office a person who hated America and wanted to destroy it. It didn’t work. They didn’t listen. I guess we need to find a stronger word.